We are shaking things up a little with this edition’s recipe as we move away from food with a recommendation for a non-alcoholic drink from our featured ‘Living the Dream’ couple.
Described by those in the know as having a kick, distinctive flavour and style, our recipe (Ed: can you call it a recipe?) is an alcohol-free Gimber-based cocktail that embraces liquid ginger, a splash or two of juniper spirit and a twist of caramel.
Simple to make, and very refreshing, here’s what you need to do:

Take a tumbler and fill it with ice cubes.

Add 3cl of GIMBER (pouring it lovingly over the ice).

Then, add 6cl of Mokum Dusk Cool Blend (a juniper alcohol-free spirit)

And top it off with a twist of Monin Caramel

Then gently stir and… wait for it…consume!

Ruud and Annemiek serve this as one of their signature cocktails, or to be precise, ‘mocktail’ in their hotel Bonpassage in Thury.

(Ed: OK, not my usual ‘shaken not stirred’ cocktail, but I’m definitely going to give it a shot!)